Friday, November 12, 2010

Beta Beta mo Beta

I was fortunate enough to take place in all stages of the beta, including the closed version.  The game has come a long way since then, starting with my favorite addition, the job fisher, to unlocking Gridania and Ul'dah.   Being able to play the game in it's rawest form has probably made me more patient then most, and I don't think there would be so many negative reviews if only people could see how far the game really has come.

Just a few Glitches I can recall off the top of my head
  • Anytime anyone leveled up, everyone would hear the "Duhduhduh~duh duh duh duh~dudduh", got so incredibly annoying.
  • Auto-Run was jacked up, couldn't turn left or right without taking it off.
  • If you died without Anima you got boned and couldn't use return, it used to cost 2 even when dead.  I had to make a new character because of this one.
  • Mobs would often times fall threw the floor to a distance where they could still attack you but you couldn't attack them.
  • And whatever you do don't watch the credits, otherwise you'd have to reinstall the entire game.

I guess another advantage the people playing beta had was that we weren't blind sided by how incomplete this game was at the launch, we all knew what we were getting into yet still chose to buy it.  I suppose I would be pretty angry too if I just spent 80 bucks on a game that I was expecting to be perfect.

Anyway here's a few screenshots I came across during the beta years.

I miss this underwear, Can no longer get this color style /sadface

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